Moments inside the life of a young Christian woman who is seeking to honor and glorify Christ in ALL she does.
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Yesterday Mom got some roses and I just love them!!! I had to share them with you. They brighten up the house and the days! Here they are!! Isn't it amazing what the Lord creates for us to enjoy? I just love them!!! Notice, they are all the same rose but look at the different shades! It's so cool! I love roses. I can't wait for mine to start growing and blooming again!! Grow little roses, grow! But before my roses start to grow we have to wait for warm weather. :) We don't want them to freeze. (Left corner) Sorry this one is a bit blurry
(Left and Right) See how the one on the left is dark red, almost black, and the one on the right is much more red. Strange, but cool!!
What beautiful, unique roses! I have never seen ones like that before. The different shades of dark red with those cream flecks are striking and make you want to study them. They're so nifty. :) Thank you so much for sharing their loveliness with us.
What beautiful, unique roses! I have never seen ones like that before. The different shades of dark red with those cream flecks are striking and make you want to study them. They're so nifty. :) Thank you so much for sharing their loveliness with us.
Those are really interesting stripy roses, too, Ana :)
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