Moments inside the life of a young Christian woman who is seeking to honor and glorify Christ in ALL she does.
Friday, May 04, 2007
~*~ Flowers ~*~
Walking around the yard the other day I took some pictures of the flowers that are starting to bloom. They are so beautiful with amazing colors and textures. :) It's great. I've been thinking a lot about how flowers seemed dead all winter and in the spring there is no doubt. It reminded me of the Christian's walk as well. Sometimes we seem dead, or not growing in our walk. But when we pray and ask God to give us a desire for Him and to draw is closer to Him, and we truly mean it and want it, He does, and we "bloom" with love and praise for Him. I just thought that was a neat thing. :) As I was thinking on these things, a previous post came to mind. Maybe you've already read it, but if you're like me, I continue to learn from things I've read hundreds of times. "I'm a tree?"
(Left corner) Rhododendrons.
(Left) Red tulips. (Right) Pink tulip.
(Left) Grape Hyacinth. (Right) Yellow tulip. See the red edging? Cool or what!?
Your post reminds me of Psalm 1 where it talks about the righteous being "like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not whither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper." What a picture! Planted by the water so that we can be nourished to bring forth fruit in due season. What a challenge to draw close to the Living Water and let Him be the nourisher and pruner of our earthly "tree."
The flowers are so beautiful, Ana! I love seeing the colors and delicate arrange your pictures so nicely. It brought joy to my heart to look at this post. :)
Your post reminds me of Psalm 1 where it talks about the righteous being "like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not whither; and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper." What a picture! Planted by the water so that we can be nourished to bring forth fruit in due season. What a challenge to draw close to the Living Water and let Him be the nourisher and pruner of our earthly "tree."
The flowers are so beautiful, Ana! I love seeing the colors and delicate arrange your pictures so nicely. It brought joy to my heart to look at this post. :)
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