Tuesday, September 06, 2011


Here I sit, the worn, loved kitchen table is a happy place.  Hot tea.  Favorite mug.  Agave Nectar. {Heart} Hair up, twisted and messy bun.  Favorite jeans, one of my many favorite long-sleeved shirts.  Outside the air is cool, the crickets chirp.  I love the cooler time of year when layer upon layer isn't necessary but long sleeves are. Pants replace shorts and capris. And a cup of hot tea is always a good idea.

Days have been flying by, it seems.  Busy, busy. But, the little things are starting to get noticed by yours truly again. A blessing from God? A joy, certainly.

Below?  The little things ...

I bought a new camera, so of course I had to try it out in the dark.
These little feet in my shoes!
This makes me want to have a cabin by a lake.
This little man.
Surprising, (really surprising,) my beloved Father for his birthday.
Because when you eat corn you must have leverage (the hand on the plate) and push as much corn into your mouth as you can.
Lil Brotha Man stopping by work, just to help fold laundry.

1 comment:

Fred & Leon said...

Oh for goodness sake... Josiah is just too delicious <3

- alysha