Friday, January 26, 2007

Random shots

Talking to my sister-in-law recently she reminded me that we find peace and joy in God not only in the things we read about Him, but in the things He gives and shows us. They show to us His love for things that are good and beautiful. And thus, we can take pleasure in things we find beautiful as long as they do not draw us away from God! For example: Roses and the sweet smell they offer. A beautiful sunset on a winter day. A house, a family, and so on and so forth. So here are somethings that I find joy in and that make me happy!

<- Beautiful Rose petals!!!!

<-- More beautiful rose petals!!!!

<--Pretties on my sheets!!!

<----Fresh new sheets to sleep in!!!!! Well, that's all for now. Stay tuned for more. :) Keep looking to Christ in all that you do, whether it be making a bed, cleaning a room, or sipping your tea!!! Include Him in everything and you will find joy in strange, but wonderful places!!!

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