Thursday, February 19, 2009

A little creativity with what you've already got ...

I'm admittedly a neat-freak (working on not being one) and I have a thing for things being organized! So the other day I noticed that I needed a place to sort and hold letters and bills. I'd had my eye on a letter organizer-sorter-thingy at a store for a long time, but I didn't want to spend the gas money to get over to the store and I didn't want to spend the money to buy it (I'm also a tightwad sometimes). So I went to my room and looked and looked for something else I could use ... and here's what I came up with! I stole the green basket off the top of my bookshelf (the one previously posted about) and found another one. I tied yarn around the handle of the top basket and then to a nail to hold it up. Then I tied the baskets together with yarn as well ... just goes to show that if you think about it hard enough you could probably find something to use that you already have rather then spending the money to buy something new. :)


Charity Dawn said...

There's something about a creative idea when being thrifty that looks so much more complementary than a store-bought solution. Buying something may look organized but it lacks that personal touch that makes a home beautiful. Nice work!

Melanie said...

What a cute, nifty idea! ;-)

Margaret Dashwood said...

that's cute!:P-bethany

Amanda said...

Excellent notion! --Robert Ferrars

Tiffany said...

I have to say very creative and smart!!! I'm very organized too but I probably wouldnt have thought to get something I already had!! :)

VirtuousWomanInTraining said...


I am excited to see that there is someone else in this world who see this world as nothing compared to eternity. I am around so many people everyday who are only concerned about today but when we need to focus on the bigger picture "Heaven". Great to have found your blog. Amanda and I are sisters.

Your sister in Christ,
