Wowzers, it's been a long time since I've been on here. This week has been so busy that I've hardly even gotten on to check e-mail and my Site Meter. So I thought today I'd just do a summery of my whole week (a week from last time I posted) in pictures. :) Enjoy!
Last Friday, after I posted, I took my little brother Ethan fishing. He'd been dying to fish and since he's not old enough to have to get a fishing license I just took him. In the evening we made a fire in our fire-pit and sat out and enjoyed the cool air. It wasn't cold, just a light breeze, enough to make you desire an extra layer.
~*~Me in my shades.~~The dog, Keda.~~Ethan's and my drink, I was cold and my throat was a little sore from my cold so I had cappuccino.~*~

Saturday was spent cleaning and getting ready for Mother's day! We also went to our second-hand store because grandma didn't have any summer clothes, and since it was Mother's Day weekend all women's clothing was half off. :) Wahoo. But while there I found a quilt that I fell in love with. It was around ten dollars, but the seams were coming apart. So I asked the lady if she would take half for it, she said yes! So I got it for five dollars!!!! And then I went home and sewed up the seams. :) You can't even tell it was coming apart! I love it so much! We also went to our dollar store on Saturday and I found a pair of clogs. I'd been looking for a pair so that I could just slip them on when I ran outside instead of pulling on my tennies. I just love them too. I wear them all the time. I don't wear my tennies much anymore. I also got a tin pail which I water my roses with. I also love that too!! :)
~*~My pail. It's got water spots on it because I used it. :) ~*~
Sunday we had church, it was the first time Grandma had been to church with us. She sat through both Sunday school and the morning service. Then Caleb and Kat came over with Greta! (I can't believe that my sister-in-law "qualifies" for mother's day and that my brother "qualifies" for father's day. :) It's so very neat. I think we should have an "Auntie's Day". :) )

Monday we had piano lessons. I got a new song and I LOVE it!!!! For those of you who know piano music it is Beethoven's Sonate Op. 27 Nr. 2 (Also known as the "Moonlight Sonate"). I'm doing the third movement "Presto". I love it. It's so beautiful and fun! I can't wait until I get it up to speed. Leah also had a doubleheader on Monday, so we went to her games. I also started crocheting a blanket with some yarn that I had laying around. It's going to be little stars. :) It's very cute. And since the yarn I'm using is a grayish green it almost looks like leaves. :)
Tuesday I made cookies for my students, (like I do every Tuesday morning) and made dinner. My big brother came over because his wifey was gone so he came for dinner and supper. I taught piano and spent a little bit of time outside during the lessons. Leah also had a game on that night as well.
Wednesday was one week since Grandma came to live with us. I watched two of my second cousins for almost two hours (they are "four and 3/4" (make sure you get that 3/4 in there, she'll make sure you do if you forget) :) and one). We had fun! We went out and looked at the roses and other flowers that are growing. Then we picked up sticks and put them in the big cart, actually the older one helped me pick up sticks and the other one sat in the cart with her toys. In the afternoon I taught piano, and in between my lessons I extended my roses garden and transplanted some roses I'd gotten last year from my other Grandma. After I transplanted my roses I made a "rose garden map" and then a list of the rose names, colors and types of roses.
Today I'm going to teach piano and finish a list of things that I have to do. Leah has her last doubleheader tonight. But I won't be able to go because I'm teaching piano. I also "clawed" my garden (I used the garden claw and broke up all the dirt) so that it was loose then I raked it so it was nice and smooth. It's very pretty now.
Also I made dinner all the days this week and was helping Grandma. Lots of cleaning and straightening went on this week too. So my week was busy.
Grandma is doing much better (Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers!). She has been taking short walks by herself and has been sitting out on our benches in the yard. I think the fresh air is good for her.
We also put up a little chalkboard in the dinning room and have been putting flowers on it and writing verses and other things on it. It's quite fun actually.

One time during the week, I don't remember the day, we went to the library, so I've got my basket full of books I need to look through.
I'm getting used to having my sister in my room. I've learned to fight for the covers so I don't totally freeze at night any more. :) It's going rather well.
But I think that's all for now. I hope that made sense and I hope it's not as long in between posts as it was last time.
~*~Auntie time!! ~~A not very recent picture of Greta, but it was one of the only ones I had, I'm going to have to fix that. (These pictures were not from Sunday, 'cause I didn't take any. I just picked some from earlier days.)~*~
Monday we had piano lessons. I got a new song and I LOVE it!!!! For those of you who know piano music it is Beethoven's Sonate Op. 27 Nr. 2 (Also known as the "Moonlight Sonate"). I'm doing the third movement "Presto". I love it. It's so beautiful and fun! I can't wait until I get it up to speed. Leah also had a doubleheader on Monday, so we went to her games. I also started crocheting a blanket with some yarn that I had laying around. It's going to be little stars. :) It's very cute. And since the yarn I'm using is a grayish green it almost looks like leaves. :)
Tuesday I made cookies for my students, (like I do every Tuesday morning) and made dinner. My big brother came over because his wifey was gone so he came for dinner and supper. I taught piano and spent a little bit of time outside during the lessons. Leah also had a game on that night as well.
Wednesday was one week since Grandma came to live with us. I watched two of my second cousins for almost two hours (they are "four and 3/4" (make sure you get that 3/4 in there, she'll make sure you do if you forget) :) and one). We had fun! We went out and looked at the roses and other flowers that are growing. Then we picked up sticks and put them in the big cart, actually the older one helped me pick up sticks and the other one sat in the cart with her toys. In the afternoon I taught piano, and in between my lessons I extended my roses garden and transplanted some roses I'd gotten last year from my other Grandma. After I transplanted my roses I made a "rose garden map" and then a list of the rose names, colors and types of roses.
~*~The sticks.~~My rose garden before (the green I painted on there shows where the grass was... because I forgot to take a before picture).~~My rose garden after (I took out the grass. :)).~*~

Today I'm going to teach piano and finish a list of things that I have to do. Leah has her last doubleheader tonight. But I won't be able to go because I'm teaching piano. I also "clawed" my garden (I used the garden claw and broke up all the dirt) so that it was loose then I raked it so it was nice and smooth. It's very pretty now.
Also I made dinner all the days this week and was helping Grandma. Lots of cleaning and straightening went on this week too. So my week was busy.
Grandma is doing much better (Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers!). She has been taking short walks by herself and has been sitting out on our benches in the yard. I think the fresh air is good for her.
We also put up a little chalkboard in the dinning room and have been putting flowers on it and writing verses and other things on it. It's quite fun actually.
One time during the week, I don't remember the day, we went to the library, so I've got my basket full of books I need to look through.
I'm getting used to having my sister in my room. I've learned to fight for the covers so I don't totally freeze at night any more. :) It's going rather well.
~*~ Leah's pillows (the blue one and the red one) on my bed.~~Leah's stuff in my closet, the other suitcase is mine, I emptied out the bottom two drawers of my dresser so she could put her stuff in there.~*~

But I think that's all for now. I hope that made sense and I hope it's not as long in between posts as it was last time.
You're back! lol Nice to hear from you again, and hear what's going on in your life. :)
I like that crochet pattern, where did you find it?
Oooo, a new comment/profile picture. :) How cute. :)
It's good to be back. I miss hearing from all ye peeps!
I got the pattern from a book I rented from the library. It's called something like the treasury of crochet patterns. :) I know, very appropriate.
I'm so glad you are back! :) It sounds like a busy but fun week! That quilt is beautiful!! You did a great job repairing it, you can't tell there was anything wrong. The picture of the dough has now made me hungry for cookies!!! :) I pray that you have a blessed weekend!
Have fun with the new piano piece... but I confess that I didn't :o
I like it listening to it, but playing it... well it's just really not my "style," I do much better with pieces like the first and second movements of that sonate. Hmm, I wonder if sonate should that be capitalized?? Anyway, what's your favorite type of piece? I love the slower ones that have a gorgeous melody I can bring out. I really tend to struggle with Bach Inventions other "study" pieces :) Although I am almost enjoying the one I doing right now, it's the easy B flat one :)
I'm also learning Chopin's Nocturne in E Minor... ahhhh!!! I'm also doing a Mozart Sonata in C K330. Do you play any other instruments?
So did ya'll catch any fish?
Love that quilt!!
Thank you for your kind words and for the comment. :) It's a joy to get on and see a comment from you!
I love Chopin!! I love the slower, Romantic pieces. But every now and then I like a faster piece. But my favorites are the slow melancholy sounding ones.
I played Chopin's Nocturne in E Minor for my senior recital, (in '06). I'm still playing it and I'm going to play it for a test, but I love that piece too!! It's so beautiful! I hope you have as much fun as I did with that piece.
So, obviously you play piano. Do you still take lessons? How long have you been playing? Tell me every thing. :)
I enjoy messing around on the guitar, mandolin and fiddle/violin. I've only taken piano lessons, so I really only know how to play piano, but the other instruments are very enjoyable.
He didn't catch any fish. But it's okay. I think he went the next day (if I remember right) and caught a sunny.
Thank you for the comment. It was great to "piano talk" with you!! :) How enjoyable!
I have taken piano lessons for about 10 years, I started when I was 6 with an old lady in our community and then about a year ago switched to a college proffessor that my sister took from when she was in college (she was a music performance major). I really wanted to stay with my old lady, but she didn't feel comfortable teaching my level anymore :'(
But I'm enjoying taking from my new teacher. He's VERY good.
Have you played Chopin Nocturne in C sharp minor? That is my most favoritest piece ever! (for now :)
I learned it last year.
Do you enter into contests and stuff? I don't know if they do it in your state but around here (NC) we have Young Artist Auditions and MTA contests that I do every year. I get sooo nervous but it's very rewarding when I get a good score!
I don't play any other instruments (well, I do a little on my autoharp) but I LOVE singing and started voice lessons last September!
Wow, ten years is a long time to have taken lessons. Keep it up! I'm still taking lessons as well! I've been taking for about 15 to 16 years. I also started when I was around 6. I'm too old for contents. But I still do the MMTA level tests. I really enjoy those. I was in contents when I was young enough to be. In fact the last year (my senior year) I was in my last contest and own first out of the seniors. So that was very exciting.
No, I've never learned the c# minor nocturne. Actually, I don't think I've ever heard it done. I have all of his nocturnes so maybe I'll check that out.
Voice lessons. How fun. I love to sing, and I'd love to take voice lessons. But I don't know of any one around here who does that. How much fun you must have!
What lovely pictures, Ana! I haven't had time to comment before, but ... wow! I can TOTALLY understand why you fell in love with the quilt ... it's beautiful! :->
Thank you for taking time out of your busy life to comment. As you can see my life is equally busy and I rarely have time to post. :) It means a lot to me. :) Thank you.
And yes, I totally love my quilt. :)
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